Monday, October 14, 2013

NERVES, part 2.

Last time, we started to understand that little thing called nerves from the perspective of our physical bodies.

According to one expert, "A big part of our emotions is influenced by the nerves in our gut". Our gut contains 100 million neurons--more than the spinal cord, even.

So, a word to nervous tummies full of butterflies everywhere: Stop it already!

No actor walking into an audition needs that second brain (which, incidentally, can make us nervous but cannot produce conscious thought or make any decisions) to drive the train.

Your main brain must take the lead and demand PEACE and CALM in potentially stressful situations like auditions and shoots.

BUT HOW?!?!?!

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

When you have finished that, prepare some more. There is no such thing as being over-prepared for an audition or knowing your lines too well.

Your gut will thank you when you walk through the door of your next audition.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Earlier this week, I passed an accident. Automobile vs deer. At dusk when car lights were just coming on. Now, I am no deer expert, but I would guess that this poor animal turned...and involuntarily froze while staring into the headlights. A giant hunk of metal was hurling itself towards that relatively small body and his body refused to listen to reason.

Actors, let this be a lesson for you: don't listen to your body if you happen to catch a light in your eye. DON'T FREEZE.

Are stage lights bright? Yes. Are shooting lights even brighter? Yes. There has been no scientific study to confirm this, but it seems that the brightness of the lights is directly related to how many people will watch this particular performance (or chance at it).

Now, there is science related to this: the nervous response that you feel doesn't start in your brain. It starts in your gut. When that light shines brightly in your eyes. Did you know that these nerves (also known as a second brain) work primarily-90% of the time-to send impulses TO your brain, rather than vice versa. That is why those butterflies refuse to calm, those hands will not stop shaking, and those perfectly memorized lines slide right out of your head. They are not listening to your rational self; they are telling you to feel nervous.

Has your brain, a most perfect computer, lost control?  In some ways, yes, unless you can find a way to use that 10% to command relaxation and ease. I have seen the computer completely crash during an audition or shoot.

So, how do you take control of those rogue nerves? More to come...

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Autumn is here. There's a nip in the air. Leaves are changing. Best of all: college football is playing on TV. I felt an impulsive, irrational urge to get in the car this morning and head towards my alma mater's football stadium...without a game that was starting late, ending later, and would put me home in the wee hours of the morning of a fully-scheduled Sunday. Totally irrational, like I said.

These teams are measured in many ways, but only one matters to a sports-loving-but not sports-analyzing fan like me: WINS & LOSSES. Before you try to argue this point with me, let me ask you this: If your team wins all the stats (yards, passing yards, running yards, interceptions, penalties--you get the picture) and loses the game, are you a happy fan? That's what I thought. Point made.

There are WINS in every area of our lives.

Acting is no exception.

You must celebrate your WINS or you will be tempted to give up. To do that, you must understand what an acting win looks like. Is it winning an Oscar? YES. Is it being nominated for an Emmy? YES. Is it booking a role as a lead character? YES. Is it shooting a commercial? YES. Is it getting an agent? YES. Is it self-taping an audition for a role? YES. Is it sleuthing to find your next role? YES. Is it locating an accent-reduction coach in your area? YES. YES. YES.

You get the picture. An acting win is anything that can advance your acting career or help you overcome hurdles to a successful career. That could be losing weight, developing confidence, organizing your home office, or finally telling your parents your life-long dream.

Here is the fun part: CELEBRATE each WIN. Does this mean dinner at Morton's? Not necessarily. It might mean purchasing your favorite tea or springing for a bouquet of fresh flowers during your next trip to the grocery store. It could mean a yummy dessert or new outfit. Each win will be as unique as you are.

Just be sure that each one is recognized, documented, and celebrated.

It is as important as anything that you will do in your career. When the discouragement comes, you have a record of wins. When the perceived LOSSES threaten your joy, you have tangible evidence that you are closer to your goal than you were a year ago...and you will not give up.