Resolutions Anonymous...know anyone who could belong to that group? I know that it would never be you, but--believe it or not--there are some people in the world that make resolutions Every. Single. Year. But never follow through. They want to lose weight or eat better or get in shape or become more disciplined or read more or take up a hobby. It just doesn't ever seem to happen because there was an idea of something without a definite, determined, worthy plan. This is for all those out there who may or may not be in need of a support group since their resolutions for 2015 are identical to those from 2014 and 2013 and 2012...the only difference is that they are farther away from the goal this year. Or less likely to even try. Don't give up! The YOU at the end of 2015 will look back on this day with pride.
Definite = Clear. Write it down. Have someone read it. It should be perfectly clear to the reader without further explanation. Something like this: I will wake up three mornings per week (Monday-Wednesday-Friday) at 5:45 a.m. in order to exercise for 45 minutes before getting ready to work. Beats I'm going to try to exercise a few times a week hands down. Our brains need specific details to make a plan that actually works. A few times a week means always tomorrow or next week. Having a plan means that I might miss Wednesday, but Friday is coming around the corner for me to hop right back on this exercise train.
Determined = Decided in advance. Tell your closest friends and greatest supporters. Not those who will laugh or mock or discourage you, but those will cheer you when you fail and remind you of the winner and champion that you are. It means setting a bedtime alarm for 9:45 p.m. on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights so that you are able to emerge from the cavernous pit known as a comfy bed on a cold morning to hit that goal. It means having a friend to text or call you on those mornings until the habit is well-established.
Worthy = Having adequate value. Is your resolution worthy of you? If it is, then it is worthy of every hard choice that stands in between you and hitting your mark. Every difficult menu decision, each time you push through writer's block, all the episodes of physical discomfort or mental moxie that will come throughout the year. These scenes are more than accomplishing a silly goal; they are the moments that determine who I am. They are the sweep of an artist's brush. I am more than the individual brush stroke--those are easily corrected with a future movement--but they are painting a masterpiece called ME.
And because of that, I hope that you will exercise three times during the final week of 2015, in order to end this year as definite and determined and worthy as when you began.
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